Your Gift Unlocks a Young Person’s Potential
Right now, 1 in 3 youth are growing up without a mentor of any kind, yet, we know that young people who have a mentor are much more likely to participate in after-school activities, be leaders in clubs and teams, volunteer, and go on to college. Your gift helps increase our country’s capacity to provide quality mentoring relationships to more than 9 million young people who are still in need of a positive caring role model outside of their family. Help us close the mentoring gap in America by donating today!
Please contact Malika Harrison, President & CEO with any questions regarding your contribution.
Institutional giving and corporate partnerships
Partner with MENTOR Florida to meet your company’s philanthropic, community engagement, employee benefit, marketing and client hospitality objectives. MENTOR Florida’s work depends on a diverse base of donors who care deeply about the future of our young people and society.